Pin now, read later…Photography Apps on Your iPhone

Alright Pinterest people.  It’s time to admit something.  How many of you have those pins that say in the description, “Pin now. Read later.”  Raise those hand, folks, because I see those pins all the time.  Now, how many of you actually go back and read those pins?  Anyone?  Anyone?

I’ll admit it – I do it.  I pin those Pins and then completely forget about them.  But, last night, after my sweet baby cashed out at 7:30 p.m. and my husband decided to watch a Bond movie, I decided to go back through and actually read those Pins.  And, I’m glad I did because I found a sweet app for my iPhone!

15 awesome photo editing iPhone apps is an article from BabyCenter – a great website for new moms like me.  I’m obsessed with taking pictures of my new little one and so I thought it might be fun to check out these different apps to have fun with the photos.  Instagram is awesome, but hey, there has to be more out there, right?

So, after looking at a few of the apps that they describe in the article, I downloaded PicFrame and gave it a shot.  (Side note: I actually purchased FrameArtist because PicFrame wasn’t free, and I’m too cheap to spend the 99 cents.)  It’s a fun program that lets you access photos from your phone, Facebook, Instagram, etc and put them in a collage.   With the free version, you can save up to 5 collages in a file size big enough to print.  Nice!

I grabbed a few photos from Facebook of my sweet baby girl and after about 10 minutes, came up with this:


This turned out so cute!  I may have to make a few more of Avery (maybe one month, three months, etc) and frame them together.  Yay for a great app!

Hanging out with my baby…

Baby Activities

So, I’m officially a stay-at-home mom!  It’s a little crazy to think that I’m not going to an office every day or that I don’t have a boss to report to.  Here are a few of my favorite things about being a SAHM!

  1. The dress code – no more work pants!
  2. The food – it’s nice being able to just eat leftovers or make something else instead of eating what I brought to the office.  I like the variety.
  3. The commute – walking across the hall to grab Avery in the morning is pretty nice.  Especially when she sleeps in until 7:45 a.m. (like she did today!!)
  4. My co-worker – Avery is a doll!

One of the challenges of being a SAHM is thinking of things to do with your kid.  Avery is only 3 months old, so she’s not really into toys yet.  I pinned this on Pinterest way back when I was pregnant, and I’m glad I did.  The Activity Library from is great!  It has lots of suggestions for things to do with your kid at every age, including Early Infant.

So, today I decided to try the Paper Kick by placing a piece of wax paper underneath Avery and letting her wiggle and move.  The paper makes noise when she moves, so it teaches her the whole “cause and effect” thing.  I love watching Avery learn, especially when her little face lights up when she figures something out.  She loved the wax paper activity.  I think it freaked her out at the beginning, but she got the hang of it and was smiling each time she moved her legs and figured out that she was making all that noise.

I’m excited to try a few more of these actives.  Some of them are a little lame (Swaying?  Really?) but some of them are pretty cool.

Especially when it makes her smile.  🙂

Avery smile